2024 ASEAN ICT Forum

The ASEAN ICT Forum on Online Child Protection, held under the leadership of ACWC Indonesia and Thailand, and co-organized by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (MOWECP) and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MICT) of Indonesia, was convened successfully from 25—27 September 2024 in Bali, Indonesia. The forum, held under the leadership of Indonesia and Thailand with support from UNICEF, the Australian Government, and various partners, gathered over 200 participants, including representatives from ASEAN member states, regional sectoral bodies, development partners, and major ICT companies. Youth representatives from Child Fund and Save the Children were also present.

The Forum, an essential part of implementing the ACWC Work Plan 2021-2025, addressed ASEAN’s commitments under the Regional Plan of Action for the Protection of Children from All Forms of Online Exploitation and Abuse (COEA). Participants engaged in discussions covering topics such as generative AI’s impact on online protection, tools for combating future online threats, and holistic approaches to digital rights and child safety. The discussions highlighted the need for future-proofing child protection against emerging technologies, including AI and virtual reality, which could facilitate gender-based violence and other forms of online abuse.

The forum concluded with key recommendations, including priority-setting for ASEAN’s mid-term review of the ASEAN RPA on COEA and proposed initiatives to strengthen policy frameworks. Participants also supported linking regional and global efforts to eliminate violence against children.